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Kanban and Scrum (done or to be done?)

Kan and Ban are Japanese for Card and Signal. A Kanban (signal card) originates from the Toyota Production System (TPS) where it is a physical card that visualizes a pull question for inventory. It serves to minimize stock in a ‘Just In Time’ strategy and is a way to ‘eliminate waste’ while assuring a continuous flow of goods.

In an Agile context, a Story Card is a Kanban. Out of eXtreme Programming it grew into an established Agile practice in describing a feature. A Kanban Board holds the active Story Cards per ‘status’, thus being an Information Radiator (term by Alistair Cockburn, also my inspiration for the Games metaphor).

My.Fragility_logoMy Scrum Product ànd Sprint Backlog items are User Stories. (‘Minimal Marketable Feature’ is more generic, but I stick to ‘User Story’) The Sprint Backlog is made visible by sticking a printout from my (Excel) tracking model on a wall. Around the Daily Scrum (we do it standing up) each Story Lead writes the estimated time to finish a Story on the printout and I create the Sprint Burndown. That works fine. We use a Kanban Board only for feedback from functional testing. This is generally too small to create a Story (would be ‘waste’).

Velocity is a way to optimize the inventory and the continuity of work. Traditionally ‘velocity’ equals the #Story Points (gummy bears) that can be finished in one iteration (a Sprint). However, I apply an overall Velocity as a multiplicator on Story Points (ideal time) to result in #planning days. The size of the inventory (in #Story Points) for a Sprint is determined by dividing the available #planning days of a team (minus 2 slack days) by expected Velocity (Yesterday’s weather). Note: continuity is also assured by the presence of the Product Owner. He/she makes sure that no functional issue remains unsolved, on the spot!

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The spell of the Man-Month broken?

Brooks - The Mythical Man-MonthFrederick Brooks published his essay The Mythical Man-Month in 1975, as one of 15 essays in the same-titled book on managerial aspects of software development. I wanted to check on the actual value of this historical piece of work. I have read the 20th anniversary edition, to which the author added an essay with his updated opinion on his original statements. This edition also holds the even more known 1986 paper No Silver Bullet.

The book: modern myth or ancient history?

The 1975 cases are technically not appealing (IBM’s OS/360) and hardly relevant for today’s technological environments. But the organizational topics are striking, with the title essay on top (justly mythical by itself). Although the core statement (“Brooks’ Law”) “Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later” has again been overtaken by history. But blame the myth of the man-month for confusing effort and progress, for neglecting the need for communication, for ignoring repartitioning tasks and training, and decreasing team productivity. People (developers) are not ‘replaceable pieces of machinery ‘! Brooks also stresses the creative nature of software development.

I agree on the diagnosis, but the suggested remedies (a lot on estimating and roles) are somewhat vague and far-fetched. E.g. 1/6 = coding, surgical team and ‘directors’/‘producers’, ‘aristocratic’ architects, etc.

But then, there’s the author’s 1995 retrospective seeming to make the lecture vivid again. He formulates views that are greatly in line with… Agile. But then (bis), Brooks doesn’t seem to recognize it and sticks to his ancient solution, i.e. a sort of surgical designers. But since the ‘90s we hàve seen the definite rise of Agile (this common denominator was only established in 2001!).

Can we today overcome the curse of the mythical man-month?

I believe that at least Agile does show a way out! Of the problems highlighted by Brooks, but in a very different direction than surgical design. Because Agile has a fundamentally different approach on communication and the ‘people’ aspect of software development.

e.g. Estimating is done by the whole team and in Story Points, i.e. complexity. This is at the same time the base for measuring progress (i.e. velocity being the number of Story Points realized in a Sprint), and avoids the confusion with effort.

In his Agile bible, Agile Software Development, Alistair Cockburn has substantially stressed the fact that communication hàs a cost, increasing our awareness of the impact on progress and budget. His views on Information Radiators and Osmotic Communication have meanwhile been greatly adapted by Agile teams.

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1989. A man. Boy. No real man (not like fathers). Locked. Away. Stares. A river. Cries. A river. Need to sleep. Love lost. A fool romantic. Tortured heart. Could have been so good… for you. Eyes that see the world. I have no words. The moon looked down.      And laughed.

2004. Gavin Friday finally succeeds in re-releasing, re-arranging, extending and re-shuffling the complete Virgin Prunes back catalog.

The Moon Looked Down And Laughed got new artwork and Just A Lovesong, the most honest lovesong ever (previously only a ‘rarity’ on Over The Rainbow). Courtesy of Dave-ID and Dave Ball. True Life Story remained with its crazy growling in Russian by Mary’s girlfriend (not on LP but on the New Rose CD). White History Book deleted (previously on the B-side of my “Don’t Look Back”-EP and the New Rose CD).

Preferring Lovelornalimbo (previously on my Our Love Will Last Forever Untill It Dies-EP only) over Love Lasts Forever ultimately removes a slick feeling of compromise. Away with the slightest doubt if -6 years after the Red Nettle statement- they had secretly tried to be ‘the new pop sound of Ireland‘ after all. Sir Poddington beheaded as a treacherous knight.

2009. Still love it! Gav settled things. No sacrilege. No harm done. But I still feel that The Hidden Lie is worthwhile… but Gavin doesn’t. Who am i?

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Top 2009 Music

Here’s my top 2009 music, presented in 3 categories (descending order):

Cat1: Superb – Surprising – Strong – Sparkling

1. I’ve put Editors at #1 with In This Light And On This Evening, thanks to the Cuttings II bonus CD. That’s what avoided an ex aequo with Starsailor. Going beyond this evening into This Night. Increased experiments of multi-layered electronic rock.

2. Starsailor‘s All the plans just happens to be a true masterpiece that combines, reinforces and pushes all that they’ve done before to a higher… plan… and beyond. The Deluxe acoustic bonus shows the melodic strength to their songs. My second best #1.

Cat2: Surprising – Strong – Sparkling

Some artists caught my interest and took me by surprise:

3. Bat for Lashes highlighted the shadows of Two Suns with her ethereal tunes of enlightened darkness.

4. Florence + The Machine produced an incredible debut that rages as an auditive storm pulling out the air of our Lungs.

5. The Horrors have painted a bunch of wild and dark songs in Primary Colours outgrowing ancient influences.

Cat3: Surprising – Strong or Sparkling

Familiar faces, sometimes hiding behind new masks, have given evidence of their musical qualities without necessarily transcending it.

  • Julian Plenti showed up saying he Is… Skyscraper. Although his voice says Paul Banks, his musical incarnation says differently.
  • Axl Peleman heeft ons een prachtig tweede plaatje in zijn sappig Aantwaarps In ‘t Gezicht gesmeten.
  • Peter Doherty showed a great song writer side to his talents on the fabulous Grace/Wastelands.
  • Brett Anderson has over merely 3 solo albums evolved to an extraordinary artist, with Slow Attack to prove that he definitely no longer needs unlimited electricity to be very powerful.

Cat4: Here to stay

Familiar names that have produced decent work, but had no desire to look for groundbreaking experiences:

Jerry Fish and the Mudbug Club – The Beautiful Untrue / Laïs & Simon Lenski – Laïs Lenski / Sting – If on a winter’s night / Arctic Monkeys – Humbug / Franz Ferdinand – Tonight / Morrissey – Years of Refusal / Rammstein – Liebe ist für Alle da

Cat5: Out of competition

  • Cecilia Bartoli gave new life to great compositions from the Napolitan School of castrati on Sacrificium
  • British Sea Power gave new life to the old life of a Man of Aran
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Can there be more to Scrum than… Scrum?

or: the evolution towards what I now call “ScrumPlus“.

Over the years I assembled a framework of roles, practices and experience in Agile delivery of fixed price projects as an external IT supplier (consultancy). Starting with eXtreme Programming (2003), it was expanded with Scrum in 2004 (when I certified from Ken Schwaber, quite unforgettable). Still, due to specific circumstances (local market, consultancy perspective, etc.) we always did just that little bit more.

The essence of my framework has not really changed. But it has always been a struggle to name it properly.

In 2008-2009 I used the very personally inspired My.Fragility. As that reflects how Scrum ‘saved’ me, how it set me free to work better with teams, customers and management. The gigantic relief of being free to be fragile, personally and with people (as opposed to bossy-ish command-and-control that management traditionally tried to force me into).

At that time my professional position blocked the use of my framework. But keeping it alive via this blog and in personal writings eventually revived me via Capgemini Belgium (yes, still consultancy): rolling out my framework and tools, a representative in the Agile Consortium Belgium and certified as Professional ScrumMaster I at Ken’s

Time to use our Community of Practice blog and a (more corporate) name: ScrumPlus. As that confirms that we do Scrum, but also more:

  • We explicitly define our engineering standards as Quality Loops;
  • We add time to (1) transform a Vision into a Product Backlog (enhance ‘Ready’) and to (2) do a hand-over to customer’s staff. But not breaking the continuity nor weakening the Sprintly ‘Done’.

I willingly admit that this is possible with ‘pure’ Scrum as well, but the ScrumPlus framework is at least valuable in the local adoption of Scrum. And in my professional and market circumstances that is a big win.

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Emergent Human Performance

How did industrial people take good care of machines? They took them apart, let’s say once a year. They had a close look at the pieces, did some filing on them, added a little oil, changed some gear wheels, did some repainting and put the machine back together.

Great way to handle machines.

But there should have been a notice in the maintenance manuals of such machines saying “Not to be used on human beings”. A Team of people is not a machine you can take apart to examine the individual parts, file or replace some of those parts and put it back together.

People are not replaceable pieces of machinery.

Still, it’s what we do and how we treat them. We use the label ‘resource’, i.e. (see dictionary) a “source of supply that can readily be drawn upon when needed”. And we think we can make up for this totally inappropriate definition by adding ‘Human’ to it. So, what do we mean then? A human form of a replaceable hardware component?

People are not mechanical robots.

Too often people are reduced to just a sum of pseudo-capabilities like a diploma and a cv. But -surprise, surprise- even if different persons have near-identical lists of such ‘properties’, they still have different backgrounds, personalities, private lives, interests, senses of humor, and all those other aspects that make working with people so exciting. But -indeed- it does prevent them from being interchangeable.

Too often is the uniqueness of people blatantly ignored by an overload of ‘HR’ strategies, policies and penalizing KPI’s. And at a yearly performance measurement this human hardware part is investigated against them. And sent home with a set of reprimands that it should interpret as something ‘to learn from’. Does it really come as a surprise if the surveyed object does not feel too motivated by this type of machine-like maintenance procedure?

How then about some positive change? Improve this domain of the world we work in? How can Agile thinking help?

In The Iron Triangle of Valuation I presented the hideous career path that is projected on people in IT. It forces people on a path that typically leads from developer to analyst to project manager. And if one’s lucky the gates of management are opened to have a ‘real’ career. I introduced a triangular-balanced context to replace it, allowing people to prosper and do well in a ‘role’, taking away the focus from ‘position’ and endless stairs.

We can use that base model to fundamentally reform the way we work with people, the way we observe and assess people. Certainly for organizations making the shift in external orientation to a Customer-Oriented Enterprise this is a promising internal re-organization opportunity; it aligns the internal thinking to the external orientation.

The triangle of valuation describes the context that needs to be created first before people can prosper and develop their potential. It demands that organization and individual agree on:

  • The individual showing a clear interest in performing a set of tasks and activities (or moving to those tasks),
  • That person demonstrating a talent (or having the potential to grow a talent) in performing those tasks and activities,
  • The organization’s ability to offer (have or create) a domain in which the tasks and activities can be performed and are valuable.

Intermediate evolutions need to be transparent.

Individual and organization agree on gradual follow-up and evolution. Because it is highly disrespectful to confront people once a year with results from the organization’s perspective without having given the people the chance to adapt and improve. And in the end, the organization is neither getting any benefits from this. The core idea of an evolutionary approach is that, if a yearly review is considered important, there should be no surprises at that time of evaluation. All involved should already be aware of the results that have, or have not been, realized, and what has caused it to be like that.

The clue is that in today’s world of continual change and evolution, there is no reliable way to impose upfront, detailed definitions, expectations and predictions, not even for individual performance. This should be replaced by an incremental path allowing the assessed and the assessor to meet regularly to conversate, learn, interact, review and re-plan. They must travel a common path upon jointly set objectives and forecasted expectations, with a frequent demonstration/summary of progress.

Incremental evolution with room for empirical improvement must be added to respect the individual and lead to true valuation. The individual will perform to the maximum possible, taking into account changing circumstances beyond the individual’s control. At least yearly, but possibly earlier, objectives can be collaboratively reset, and even the base triangle can be reviewed. A win-win situation will emerge. Valuation can take material, financial or non-material forms.

If the legs of the triangle are fixed upon the wrong assumption of total predictions, without room for evolution and incorporation of new insights, valuation will suffer from that fixation, not originate from it.

Agile enterprises embrace people practices.

After the transition from ‘Human Resources’ to ‘people practices’, assessments will be focused on helping and facilitating people, no longer on mere judging. It is the only way to give rise to the emerging individual performance that has the potential of improving overall enterprise results. It’s a model that aims at emerging performance. KPI’s represent a technique that can still be added, but that should be done with the objective of providing information, not be judgmental in itself.

Results will be the result of emergent performance. At least a result will be the hard work itself, even it only pays off in the future. The introspective get-together’s serve to check whether we are still learning from it. That’s why these intermediate reviews take place. Pressure is taken away from hard-coded results and shifted to context, learning and improving. And a yearly retrospective review creates value in stepping out of the normal rush and taking a look at the bigger picture, and insert evolutions to the triangle. IF the base context, expressed in the 3 legs of the triangle of valuation, was in place. What else would be evolving?

And if an intermediate introspection requires a substantial revision of the wider context, as expressed in the triangle, take enough time to close the process and restart.

Agile enterprises embrace emotions.

And finally we can stop blaming people for being “emotional”. AS if we are not in a people business. Emotions are the essence of human nature. And in case of a conflict, look first at the triangle of valuation to check whether the right context is still in place, in the current circumstances.

Is this an emotional, highly personal desire? Of course it is! It would finally create a context that will not only just tolerate deviant people like me, but possibly even appreciate them. That in turn could be a stepping stone to stimulate them and open ways for them to truly innovate.

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Respecting Scrum by doing more

;-) Confession
I did eXtreme Programming before I did Scrum. Although this may seem trivial, it has positively affected my further Agile career.

Let’s go back in time…
In September 2003 my management (consultancy company) assigned me on a project that they hadn’t hoped to win and that was allotted far too late. Result: our company was facing a development effort of 700 days and delivery in December. Two software architects, literally in 15 minutes, convinced me of applying eXtreme Programming. Because I recognized what I had been trying to do in previous projects, but was now sort of ‘hard coded’ in the approach, i.e. iterations and communication.

In only a couple of days we created User Stories, replaced the MS Project phasing by 3 iterations of 3 weeks and convinced the external customer to intermediately attend demo sessions. Our roles included the Team, a project manager/Big Boss (me), a Coach and a proxy Customer. As we soon discovered that our proxy Customer was fully occupied in functional guidance to the Team, we included a Tester to assist her. The Tester incrementally wrote hands-on functional test scenario’s for the User Stories being developed. We added 2 days of slack before the stakeholder demo; to fix small issues, prepare the next User Stories and do spikes.

In 2004 we had to scale and the same fellows (now Coaches) directed me to Scrum. I read the 2 books by Ken Schwaber and registered for his CSM course in May 2004 in Brussels. It was a great experience and as from then we used Scrum for our organizational practices (Sprints, roles, meetings, artefacts) but we kept using eXtreme Programming as implementation for the general Scrum demand of Engineering Standards (PP+TDD, CI+Refactoring). From those engineering standards the use of User Stories emerged, as well as the roles of Coach and Agile Tester.

We always delivered fixed price projects as an external supplier. So we had to translate the customer’s Vision (mostly an RFP) into a Product Backlog, more READY than you would expect in pure Scrum. But we put a maximum length of 1 Sprint on the effort (but usually did it in less time). Our Sprints delivered DONE and potentially shippable work, but we added a final hand-over Sprint (no development!) to close the project. Oh yeah, our ‘slack’ turned into Product Backlog Grooming sessions.

A framework was born.
I went through lots of yo-yo movements over the next years. Even quitting for a while, tired of the slow local adoption (supplier ànd customer side). But… relaunched my ideas as My.Fragility to re-enter the market. And at my current employer we renamed the framework to ScrumPlus, because it does respect Scrum completely, but just extends the base pattern of Scrum to the particular use for delivery of fixed price-negotiable scope projects.

Back to the future
In February 2011, my management decided to apply only Scrum and ScrumPlus in some major Service Lines, abandoning RUP or other traditional approaches.

So I have set up a training program while I will be coaching people in the field. From the training people will get a deep understanding of the base mechanics, principles and emergent Scrum. Project practitioners will get a good understanding of ScrumPlus as instance of Scrum, its base Philosophy of Done, its Agile Project Life Cycle and the 2 Excel tools.

And as you have understood this is largely rooted in my early eXtreme Programming experience.

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More to Agile than meets the eye

Agile is, less acknowledged than but much like Lean, a set of thinking tools and interwoven principles. They are the levers that empower people to faster create better products in a sustainable and respectful way. Typical misconceptions like using Lean for mere cost cutting, limiting Agile to the software department and expecting one, silver bullet, process prevent the emergence of larger benefits.

In Agile, better software products with Built-In Quality are faster achieved by fundamentally re-organizing all activities in an iterative-incremental way and by performing tasks in parallel on a daily basis. A different approach to Managing Risk & Quality.

But let’s have a look at Agile and Lean as blending philosophies, the matching of Agile practices with the main Lean principles.

There are at least 3 major approaches to Eliminate Waste:

  1. Potentially unused inventories (requirements, predictive plans, overdesigns) are not produced upfront. The highest priority work is detailed just in time. A Team will Pull in the amount of work they deem feasible for an iteration, commit to it and build it upon progressive learning and continuous improvement.
  2. Partially done work won’t pile up as an iteration results in working increments. Undone work is prevented by an overall Kaizen thinking, made explicit in a daily Inspect & Adapt stand-up meeting and an iterational Retrospective.
  3. Active Business Involvement excludes unwanted or invaluable requirements. Knowing that only 20% of software functions are regularly used, this represents an enormous waste while showing much disrespect to the people having to spend their time on it.

A Shared Visual Workspace facilitates fast decisions, high interaction and short communication. Openly available Information Radiators are used for the Team to self-inspect and adapt and for external transparency. It shows the real progress upon real efforts and protects the Team in maintaining Sustainable Pace, to assure product quality.

Iterations are timeboxed to Deliver Fast and usable, end-to-end working software that can be put into production. A review with all stakeholders gives the Team outside feedback, remarks and enhancements. Besides this product inspection, an Agile Team will improve its overall operation with a retrospective meeting. Within an iteration however each Team member has the right to immediately Stop the line.

Optimizing The Whole is achieved through active Business involvement and the on-site presence of all technical skills to turn ideas, options and requirements into working software. The Value Stream is optimized because traditional waiting activities like hand-overs and external decisions are eliminated. No macro hand-overs due to a sequential process. No micro hand-overs within the collectively responsible Team.

And, finally, a Manager-teacher, facilitates the Team in teaching the process and removing impediments.

Attached is my complete paper on The blending philosophies of Lean and Agile. It was previously published as 2 blognotes, one for the Lean part and one for the Agile part of the text at the Capgemini Techno Blog.

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Different shades of Yes

Training and coaching are important when implementing any new paradigm. Scrum is no exception. But beyond formal assistance, enthusiasm is required, belief, trust, support. After all, it is… change.

Scrum makes enterprises find fun in being competitive again by re-uniting people beyond organizational borders around corporate objectives. But it cannot be forced onto people in an downward way only, nor in an exclusive upward way. Although downstream adoption might seem obvious, it is not always. It can make the real source of improvements unclear. And upstream adoption is surely a lot harder, you can’t do without. Scrum done well, no matter how simple the framework, will transform the way of work so deeply that it will not happen unidirectional only. Because there is more to Agile than meets the eye

Even confirming a transformation may hold various forms of Yes:

It is very clear that the most desirable attitude is the “Yes, and” form. The minimal form within it is that people mean that they will go for it and will resolve possible impediments. Yes, and we will fix whatever comes in our way. Even better is people saying Yes while thinking ahead, about emerging options and how to already further exploit the adoption. Yes, and we will try x and y as well.

Most commonly people will act from a “Yes, but” attitude. Primary reluctant. Doubting. A tendency to raise objections. Yes, but what about z. This is in general not insurmountable, but it might take time to answer or remove the objections. Wanting to do so requires empowerment, may be time-consuming and is therefore to be observed carefully for real progress. 

Dangerous is the “Yes, but no” response. It represents a political “Yes”, that is at the same time a factual “No”. The promise of a firm decision takes away the conversation. Working results are doubted and blocked again and again. If reviewed at all. Variants include “Yes, but not now“, “Yes, but not all at once“, “Yes, but not too much at the same time“. And new variants will pop up as you try to move forward.

A hideous sub-form is the “Yes, but reality” disguise. Reality can probably not be denied, but is also a very flat generalization. A small dissection will show that ‘Reality’ refers to the existing status quo, where the core idea of change is to challenge that, to build a new reality. This is a very bad case of “Yes, but no” answer.

But, don’t be distracted or discouraged. After all, it is just… change.

Popo Emotions Icons by Rokey.

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Distinguishing Distributed from Dispersed

An upscaling technique for Scrum is installing Multiple Scrum Teams, i.e. fully enabled Scrum Teams that work in parallel. It includes the introduction of a ‘Scrum of Scrums’ to discuss integration aspects across the Teams and the identification of integration tasks for the Teams. The working increment at the Sprint Review should be an integrated result.

It’s all about inspecting reality. A Product Owner cannot figure out whether separate increments work well together without real… inspection. Less than integrated increments leaves unknown, undone work in the system. Putting Quality, time and predictability at risk.

And it would eliminate transparency. Taking away the basis for adaptation, not? Gone are then the pillars of empiricism. No use in putting a cloth over the thermostat if you want the heating to adjust to the real room temperature.

When applying Scrum in a non-collocated mode (or whatever deceptive term is used) the concept of Multiple Scrum Teams is usable if you have complete Scrum Teams at globally spread locations. You will still need some grouping notion over Product Backlog items (themes, packages, features) to orderly distribute work. But every Team has its Sprint Backlog, sprints as a ‘Whole Team Together’ and does a Daily Scrum. The Teams share a ‘Definition of Done’ and engineering standards (as well as source code and integration systems). They figure out a way to do common Sprint Reviews. These are Distributed Teams, full Teams that work together on a Product/platform at different locations in the world.

But people use ‘distributed’ even if they in fact mean Dispersed Teams. When the Team members of a Scrum Team are spread over the globe. It requires a different approach to organizing Scrum, looking for solutions to have a Daily Scrum… daily, with the complete Team (of Developers) at a (convenient) fixed time, and a fixed place. To organize a Sprint Planning with the complete Scrum Team. To have short, direct communication.

Important reasons to think very consciously about the type of ‘distribution’ teams are working in, in order to be well organized.

And, whatever formula is being applied to collaborate across the world, voice calls do not suffice. It requires video conferencing, electronic whiteboards and a virtual form of a shared visual workspace. There is additional overhead. And traveling should be included in the calculations (for collocated Team formation, regular visits, social contacts). It tends to cut the cost cutting that (let’s be honest) offshoring is being used for.