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He wants to be able

To promote his upcoming ‘catholic‘ album (2011) Gavin Friday just released the first album track for free. The track is called ‘Able‘.

The art work for the song relates to the announced album cover. It is well crafted, a bit macaber and dark (expected anything else?), and it refers to mr. Friday’s catholic belief (no capitals!), being Irish, death in a uniform (WW I period-style). And probably much more…

Musically, Able seems at first to continue where Shag Tobacco (1995) stopped. A strong and pulsing beat breaks through an atmosphere of electronic mist, with a soft whispering, late nite voice that is full of latent desire. But on the way low guitars build up and somewhere mid-song they are completely set free and mister Gav launches into some parlando rap-like singing bringing back memories of Adam ‘N’ Eve (1992) work like I Want To Live or The King Of Trash. Bursting into highlights of a vivid horizon of notes, tones and tunes, with lots of strings attached.

Looks like Gav will show his ableness of renewed musical adventures.

2 thoughts on “He wants to be able

  1. Cool dat je op zijn site staat!

  2. ‘k ben benieuwd…straks thuis eens luisteren…zit sowieso wel te ‘wachten’ op de plaat. Het was te denken dat hij ooit nog een plaat ging maken rond het gegeven geloof – katholieken… zeker in het licht van gebeurtenissen over de hele wereld in die kerk…

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