On-site Scrum Pocket Class “Scrum in the Large” (Module 1) on 5 September 2024 (Copenhagen, Denmark)

Join the in-person session of this Scrum Pocket Class with with Gunther Verheyen, independent Scrum Caretaker, to interactively discover how Scrum in the Large works, organized with Mads Troels Hansen of Lean-Agile Thinking in Copenhagen, Denmark 🇩🇰. In Module 1 (“The rules don’t change”) Gunther will help you grasp how the rules of the Scrum framework don’t change when having to work with multiple teams (on the same product).



Notice: this particular Scrum Pocket Class is specifically organized with Mads Troels Hansen of Lean-Agile Thinking and is an IN-PERSON only session happening in COPENHAGEN, Denmark 🇩🇰. This afternoon session about “Scrum in the Large” is back-to-back organized with the Scrum Pocket Class “The Scrum Values” before lunch.

Module 1 of the (online) Scrum Pocket Class “Scrum in the Large” is a short, focused half-day workshop to help participants discover how Scrum looks like in a set-up of Multi-team Scrum, i.e when multiple teams work on the same product. It is a great occasion for awesome Scrum practitioners to deepen their roots in and understanding of Scrum, the most popular Agile framework.

Scrum’s DNA is empiricism and self-organization. Scrum promotes simplicity. Scrum promotes clear accountability and peer collaboration to deal with unpredictability and formulate answers to complex problems. What Scrum promotes was not at the core of many enterprises when enlarging their organizational and work structures. It still isn’t. The main challenge in applying Scrum in the large lies not in fitting Scrum into the existing structures, but to revise the existing structures via a bottom-up understanding, implementation and growth of Scrum.

The workshop will provide participants with the insights to tackle the challenge of respecting and keeping the base rules of the game intact, even at scale. Because the rules of the game remain consistent at and are independent of the scale at which Scrum is organized.

Gunther Verheyen, independent Scrum Caretaker and Scrum practitioner since 2003, does not aspire teaching you how to scale Scrum or introduce a new cookbook scaling framework. In this interactive workshop, he will collaboratively explore with you the principles that apply when the need arises to maintain a product with more people than can conveniently work as one team, and the move to a “Multi-Team Scrum” setup is required. The workshop will include selected cases from “The Scrum Caretaker Book of Exercises“.

Basic information

  • Date: Thursday 5 September 2024 (13.30-17.00h)
  • Location: Hellerup-Nordhavn, Denmark
  • Language: English
  • Price: 2344 DKK (approx. 315 €), or 1875 DKK (approx. 250 €) per session when registering for both planned sessions.

Your workshop facilitator

Gunther calls himself an independent Scrum Caretaker on a journey of humanizing the workplace with Scrum. He started practicing Scrum in 2003, has partnered with Ken Schwaber (co-creator of Scrum) and has worked with many teams and organizations in diverse domains. The Scrum services that he offers (training, coaching, consulting and speaking) build on these accumulated experiences. Ullizee-Inc is his business vehicle. Gunther is the author of the acclaimed book “Scrum – A Pocket Guide” and editor of the book “97 Things Every Scrum Practitioner Should Know”.

Check out the reviews of Gunther and Ullizee-Inc on TrustPilot.


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